About the Journal
Journal of the European Royal Society - JERSY (ISSN 2166-2444, eISSN 2166-2452) is an Open Access journal founded in 2012, which publishes fundamental challenges (to paradigms) in biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. Theories conceived without or ahead of data analyses are unacceptable, as are manuscripts with more than three co-authors. Sole-authorship and submissions rejected by Nature or Science magazines for political reasons (such as going through the refereeing process but getting rejected without a scientific explanation) are particularly welcome. Brief historical overviews of fundamental scientific theories and paradigms are welcome.
Submissions must contain hard proof of a proposed fundamental shift. Such evidence may include but is not limited to demonstrations of new laws or disproofs of currently accepted ones, derivations of fundamentally important equations, discoveries of new compounds or principles, and the development of new medication drugs. In short, this journal is about merit alone. Other than the usual Open Access charges, there are no fees to submit or to publish.
All submissions are peer-reviewed. To ensure blind peer-review, editors and referees remain anonymous to the public and each other. Authors are guaranteed confidentiality and privacy. Also, editors and referees must not belong to any formal or informal groups of editors. Names of referees are published in the subsequent volume in alphabetical order, except withheld ones. JERSY will not be part of arbitrary rating schemes, so it will never have any "impact factors" as those, by definition, prevent paradigm shifts. The current rejection rate should not be discouraging but rather motivate you to submit your best work.
ERS Publishing promotes the European Royal Society's goals through producing journals, magazines, books, and other publications. As a counterweight to the Royal Society of (City of) London, the European Royal Society (ERS) aims to truthfully advise policymakers on fundamental science regardless of their nationality or ethnicity.
Since the English counterpart advises the UN/EU—as the think-tank behind schemes like "Global Warming" or "globalization" (global jew/crypto-jew dominance under the mask of Anglo-Saxon imperialism)—the ERS tries to abridge old imperial/geostrategic divisions amongst peoples started by the infamous East India Co. in 1600 (today known as NATO) while respecting and promoting their sovereignty.